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Herringbone and Chevron - amazing wood patterns!

Posted by daniel papuc on

In last years, herringbone table and chevron patterned wood furniture has become very popular, and for good reason. These two patterns can create visual attractiveness in a space and offer a luxurious feel. But maybe you can ask where do these patterns come from? Both have curious stories which you can find in the next article. A brief history of the Herringbone wood pattern It's sounds a little fishy? Named for the resemblance to the bone structure of the herring fish skeleton, it dates back to the Roman Empire. Roman engineers discovered that by putting out rocks in a Herringbone-shaped pattern...

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Why Handmade Wood Furniture?

Posted by daniel papuc on

Wooden furniture provides a different and unique look to your home. Most of the people prefer wooden furniture rather than custom furniture. In ancient times, people made furniture by wood by carving it in the desired shape. Factory-made furniture is usually cheaper to buy simply because it has not been made by a skilled craftsmen, all the work has been done by a machine and the quality control if any is likely to have not been given enough attention, which sets up disappointment for the customer when they see the minor or major imperfections at a closer glance. Nowadays, people buy...

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